Announcements NER Regional Conference

2014 Call for Papers and Posters

Happy Labor Day, fellow NER music therapists! The end of summer is here and it’s time to start planning for our 2014 Spring conference. The CALL FOR PAPERS will be going out in a few weeks so please start thinking about topics on which you would like to present. Some topics that were suggested on last year’s evaluations were: CMTEs—Ethics, Technology, Speech and Language, Neurology/NMT, GIM, Quantitative Research, Grief and Bereavement, Palliative Care, PTSD, Music and Movement. Suggestions for concurrent sessions included: Adults with Physical Disabilities, Sensory Integration, Clinical Improv, Multicultural MT, Vocal or guitar skills, Career development: Transition from School to Professional Life, Self-care/Preventing Burn-out, Accessing Research/Lit Reviews—and more!

So please be thinking about what topics you’d like to present on—your colleagues are hungry for learning.

This year’s NER-AMTA conference will be held at the Water’s Edge Resort and Spa, in Westbrook, CT. This lovely hotel, on the shoreline of coastal Connecticut, was the site of our 2010 conference and was much loved by all who attended.  Come again to enjoy the beautiful setting, great food and excellent facilities.

Save the Dates: April 3-5, 2014. More conference information will be posted here throughout the Fall so keep checking the website for updates.

Many thanks,

Alden Rockwell Murphy, MA, MT-BC
Conference Chair
Vice President

Meg Capen, MT-BC
Vice President-Elect

NER Call for Papers 2014

NER Call for Posters 2014