Events NER Regional Conference Uncategorized

2018 call for papers

Dear Colleagues,

We want to remind you that the call for papers for next year’s annual NER-AMTA conference: 42,000: Embracing Our Impact, at the Sea Crest Beach Hotel in North Falmouth, March 28th – 30th, 2019.  Last year we had an amazing turnout of 213 attendees. We compared this information with the results for AMTA’s 2017 workforce survey and surmised that the average NER music therapist sees an estimated 196 clients per year. From this we can estimate that information shared at last years conference has the potential to reach 41,748 clients over the course of the year! This year we are setting a goal to impact the lives of 42,000 clients with the brilliance of our community. Over the next few months, leading up to the 2019 conference, we will be sharing some facts and information about our small but mighty region.

We invite you to submit your papers, posters, and CMTEs, to share your practice and your specialties with your community; empowering each other in creation and education to change the lives of our clients.  

In the 2018 conference evaluation, attendees most frequently reported interest in music centered presentations, technology, neurology, special education, autism, geriatrics, diversity, trauma, and ethics.  However, we invite you to also think about the Impact that you make on your clients, and the Impact they make on us when submitting your sessions.

All proposals will be reviewed using a double-blind review model.  Reviewers will base their considerations on content, clarity, and completeness of the abstract (50%), if the proposal fits within the scope of practice and professional competencies of AMTA and CBMT (25%), and how the proposal meets the needs of our region based upon the 2018 conference evaluations (25%).  

You may find the links on our website at:

The last day for submissions is Sunday December 2nd, 2018.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at


We look forward to seeing you March 28th – 30th, 2019 as we focused on expanding our and embracing our impact.


Courtney R. Biddle, MMT, MT-BC

Conference Chair

Vice President NER-AMTA

Channing Shippen, MA, MT-BC

Conference Co-Chair

Vice President-Elect NER-AMTA