Announcements Events NER Regional Conference

Call for Papers Extended

Dear Colleagues, students, and professionals,
CALL FOR PAPERS EXTENSION! The Call for Papers will now close on December 19th, 2022. Please read the application carefully for more information regarding in-person and virtual session possibilities, and reach out to with any questions. See you in Vermont!
The Conference Committee
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: a graphic flier with bold text reading “The New England Region of the American Music Therapy Association.” Bolded lettering reads “Regional Conference 2023: Call for Papers. Deadline Extended 12/19/2022″ Along the side of the flier there are music notes, circles, and stars; next to the music notes the flier reads “Join us April 20th to April 22nd, 2023, Stowe, Vermont. Stoweflake Mountain Resort and Spa. Submit a proposal: