Announcements NER Business

NER Fall Business Meeting: 10/18

“Save the date! The NER business meeting will be on Monday, October 18 from 8-9:30pm on AMTA’s Zoom account. All current NER members will be emailed later this week with Zoom meeting information. AMTA conference attendance is not required for this meeting. We invite non-members interested in attending to email by Sunday (10/17) in order to gain meeting access.” 

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NER Business

NER’s business meeting

You are invited to attend NER’s business meeting on Monday, November 16 from 8-9:30pm!   You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Nov 16, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: NER Business Meeting   Please click the link below to join the webinar: Passcode: 851141 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +12532158782,,89078415783#  or +16699006833,,89078415783# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 253 215…

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Announcements NER Business

2020 Global Perspectives Session

The International Relations Committee welcomes submissions for consideration for the Global Perspectives Session at the AMTA Online Conference 2020.  The session showcases international music therapy projects, scholarly work, and service opportunities from around the world.  This year we are focusing on two relevant themes: Deadline August 15, 2020!Submit to more about application process here:

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NER Business

DEI committee member opening

Call for Committee Member on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee!The NER-AMTA is seeking an NER member who is devoted to issues around diversity, equity, and inclusion willing to contribute to the NER-AMTA community and beyond. Requirements: Professional music therapist, AMTA memberResponsibilities: Attend committee meetings and contribute to the tasks and discussions on the DEI committee.If interested, email or

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Announcements NER Business

DEI update

Dear NER-AMTA, The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is excited to have become a standing committee for the New England Region. We are committed to continue working towards an inclusive environment for the NER-AMTA community that raises the voices of marginalized groups. As a standing committee, our goal is to identify, address, and implement necessary steps to uncover and dismantle the systems that reinforce oppression. This decision to become a standing committee will allow for…

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Announcements NER Business

Get involved!

Hello, NER music therapists!   Are you interested in volunteering to help fellow music therapists and the organization? Here are two ways to get involved. Please email me at if you are interested in these position   The Music Therapy Informed Music Listening Workgroup provides support to music therapists for incorporating, consulting for and educating about music listening programming for all populations. Information and resources for the workgroup are made available to music therapists through AMTA non-members and…

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NER Business

National Business Meetings! Join Us!

Hello, NER music therapists, This is a friendly reminder that the NER regional meeting will take place on Saturday 11/23 from 9:30-11am. We hope to see you there. Please view the previous meeting minutes on NER’s website so that you are up to date when a vote is taken. To ensure that we can fill NER’s seats on the Assembly of Delegates during this national conference, the Board put three extra Assembly Alternates in place…

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NER Business

Open board positions

Are you a professional music therapist in New England who is interested in volunteering on the NER-AMTA board? If so, please contact NER President Adrienne Flight at with questions and to explore opportunities.   Here are the current positions that we are looking to fill:   NER representative to AMTA’s Clinical Practice Networking Committee: Provide coordination for networking and mentoring opportunities for practitioners working in a range of settings and with different populations, and foster communication between…

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NER Business

Ner board nominations

Hello, New England Region Music Therapists: The nominating committee is excited to share that 2019 is an election year for the NER Executive Board. We are currently accepting self-nominations for all voting Executive Board positions which include: • President-Elect: 6 year commitment • Vice President-Elect: 4 year commitment • Treasurer: 2 year commitment • Secretary: 2 year commitment • Assembly Delegate: 2 year commitment (note: a total of 9 candidates are needed to fill 4…

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