NER Fall Business Meeting
Fall Business Meeting this Thursday, 10/26 from 8-10 PM Meeting Minutes: DRAFT NER-AMTA Business Meeting Minutes 4-20-23
Fall Business Meeting this Thursday, 10/26 from 8-10 PM Meeting Minutes: DRAFT NER-AMTA Business Meeting Minutes 4-20-23
Dear NER music therapy community, It can be frustrating to stand by while those around us are in crisis. While nothing is more out of our immediate control than natural disasters, shared chaos can also invite support and community care from bystanders who aren’t as acutely experiencing hardship. We are sending love and comfort to our colleagues in Vermont. Given the recent flooding in areas of the state, we also want to encourage anyone…
Dear NER Music Therapy Community, The primary purpose of this communication is to inform members of the New England Region of AMTA of proposed changes to the NER-AMTA bylaws. New England Region Bylaws Members will be voting on the proposed bylaws changes during the NER business meeting on Friday, April 21, 2023, 8-10 AM during our NER Spring Conference in Stowe, VT. Our Executive Board election will also be held during this meeting, as well…
Hello, New England Region Music Therapists — The Nominating Committee is excited to share that 2023 is an election year for the NER Executive Board. Please self-nominate or nominate a peer if they are willing! The positions are: President-Elect: 6 year commitment (2023-2029) The President-Elect serves two years in each of the following roles: President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President. They assist the President as requested, learn about the role by assisting, present…
Dear Colleagues, students, and professionals, The Conference Team is happy to announce that we will be able to offer a limited number of scholarships for the 2023 NER Conference. You must be a member of AMTA and the NER to apply. The application will close on 3/8/2023. Please apply here: Sincerely, The Conference Committee Kathlynn C. Sell, MT-BC NER Vice President Mary C. Reinsch, MT-BC NER Vice President-Elect Image Description:…
AMTA Student Affairs Advisory Board (SAAB, NER rep), to be filled as soon as possible. Requirements for all openings: professional music therapist, AMTA member. Goals: 1. To establish and strengthen a positive and productive relationship between students and professionals of the organization. 2. Consult and advise students regarding any concerns brought to their attention by students or concerning students. 3. To encourage and support students’ professional involvement and growth within AMTAS and eventually AMTA.…
Did you know that every two years, NER holds elections for positions on its Executive Board? At the 2023 NER Conference in April, we’ll have an election! The call for nominations will go out in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, please consider getting involved. Open positions will include: President-Elect (6 year commitment) Vice President-Elect (4 year commitment) Treasurer (2 year commitment) Secretary (2 year commitment) Assembly (2 year commitment) Descriptions of the positions…
Dear Colleagues, students, and professionals, CALL FOR PAPERS EXTENSION! The Call for Papers will now close on December 19th, 2022. Please read the application carefully for more information regarding in-person and virtual session possibilities, and reach out to with any questions. See you in Vermont! Sincerely, The Conference Committee IMAGE DESCRIPTION: a graphic flier with bold text reading “The New England Region of the American Music Therapy Association.” Bolded lettering reads “Regional Conference 2023: Call for Papers. Deadline Extended 12/19/2022″ Along the…
RSVP for the NER November 17, 2022 Fall Business Meeting Dear New England Music Therapy Community, The NER-AMTA Fall Business Meeting is scheduled for November 17th, 7:30– 9:30pm ET The deadline to register is Wednesday, November 16th by 7:30pm ET Everyone in the New England music therapy community is invited to attend this Zoom meeting. In order to reserve your space to attend, please RSVP using the link below: Feel free to email if you have questions…
Save the date! The NER Fall Business meeting will be held on Thursday, November 17th from 7:30-9:00pm on AMTA’s Zoom account. Membership will be voting on proposed bylaws changes in this meeting. The proposed changes and meeting RSVP form will be shared in early November.
We are gearing up for our annual “Pay it Forward” initiative beginning Monday October 3rd. Looking for financial support for your AMTA membership this year? Apply for Pay It Forward! If you are interested, visit our website to learn more at Stay tuned as we provide weekly information on #PayitForwardNERAMTA Image: Red rainbow in right bottom corner and light red background with NER-AMTA logo in the rainbow bottom right. Text reads, “Pay it Forward applications open Oct 3rd to Dec…
We are holding space for the Anna Maria College music therapy community. Since 1976, Anna Maria students, faculty, supervisors, and alumni have been integral in the New England music therapy community and beyond. It is hard to imagine, but we recently received word that the entire Anna Maria College music department, including its music therapy program, is being discontinued. To the Anna Maria community, please know that you are, and always will be, valued and…