Announcements Professional Scholarships

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward applications are now open! Apply today for membership support on the 2021 AMTA membership cycle. Deadline for submissions is December 28th, 2020.   The goal of this program is to welcome as many new professional members to the region as we can. Don’t overthink it, just submit it. The New England Region AMTA Board has committed to using donations and budgeted funds to help you get in the game and be part of your…

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“Reminder from our NER-AMTA DEI Committee that the Cultural Climate Survey deadline is December 1st! See below for more information. Link to survey is here: The NER-AMTA Board of Directors would like to gain a better understanding of the cultural climate of the region and the work that needs to be done to improve issues around diversity, equity, and inclusion. You are being invited to participate in this anonymous survey because you are a music…

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Pay It Forward!

Are you wondering how #PayitForward works? See below and stay tuned for applications opening in early December. . Apply. We ask you to commit to a dollar amount that you can contribute towards your membership fee. Contribute to the community with a non-financial contribution to the region to “Pay it Forward.” We will help you if you need ideas! Submit a brief summary by email at the end of the year of how you were able to pay-it-forward during…

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Pay It Forward!

What is the #PayitForward initiative? The Membership Support Initiative and the “Pay It Forward” Campaign is designed to welcome all professional music therapists who want to be part of the New England Region and the AMTA to become a full member! The goal of this program is to welcome as many new professional members to the region as we can. Don’t overthink it, just submit it. The New England Region AMTA Board has committed to using donations…

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Call for an NER rep to AMTA Technology Committee

Calling AMTA Members! NER is seeking a technology-savvy member to serve as our regional representative to the AMTA technology committee. Requirements include professional AMTA membership, interest in providing education and consultation around technology issues and needs, and attendance at the Committee’s regular meeting that take place via videoconference. Interested? Please reach out to with questions or to submit a written statement of interest.

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Announcements NER Business

2020 Global Perspectives Session

The International Relations Committee welcomes submissions for consideration for the Global Perspectives Session at the AMTA Online Conference 2020.  The session showcases international music therapy projects, scholarly work, and service opportunities from around the world.  This year we are focusing on two relevant themes: Deadline August 15, 2020!Submit to more about application process here:

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International relations committee presentation submissions

Hello Music Therapy Members of the New England Region ~The International Relations Committee is accepting presentation submissions for the AMTA Global Perspectives Session, which will be held virtually on November 21st, from 12:00 PM to 2:45 PM. Each presentation is usually between 15 to 20 minutes long which includes a Q&A portion.  The deadline for submissions is August 15th.  Please open the links below to find the cover letter and submission application.We look forward to hearing from you!…

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LGBTQIA2+ Music Therapy Affinity Group

The LGBTQIA2+ Music Therapy Affinity Group is up and running! Purpose:  To organize, advocate, communicate, connect and bring about positive and systemic change related LGBTQIA2+ topics/issues in the field of music therapy.   Group Values/Goals:  Hold space for/support the needs of professional LGBTQIA2+ music therapists  Support the educational needs of LGBTQIA2+ music therapy students  Advocate for the specific needs of LGBTQIA2+ clients  Intentionally amplify the voices of LGBTQIA2+ people with intersectional identities  Who? Currently we have 14 members…

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Announcements NER Business

DEI update

Dear NER-AMTA, The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is excited to have become a standing committee for the New England Region. We are committed to continue working towards an inclusive environment for the NER-AMTA community that raises the voices of marginalized groups. As a standing committee, our goal is to identify, address, and implement necessary steps to uncover and dismantle the systems that reinforce oppression. This decision to become a standing committee will allow for…

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From the AMTA Board of Directors to the Music Therapy Community in the Twin Cities and Across the United States

In response to recent acts of violence and social injustice against Black people in Minneapolis and across the country, AMTA condemns historic and ongoing forms of racism that permeate our society and institutions. We are heartbroken that this is happening. We stand against racism and hate in all its forms and acknowledge the trauma that repeated violence against people of color causes. We uphold kindness, social responsibility, dignity and respect, equality, accountability, excellence, integrity, and…

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Community resources

#neramtacommunityresource We thank you all for your contribution and support during this unprecedented time. Below, find resources to support the wellbeing and coping of one another. Mental Health Resources for Healthcare Professionals The Mental Health Coalition https://thementalhealthcoalition.orgIf you have resources you would like to share with us, please email

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