Events NER Regional Conference Uncategorized

2018 call for papers

Dear Colleagues, We want to remind you that the call for papers for next year’s annual NER-AMTA conference: 42,000: Embracing Our Impact, at the Sea Crest Beach Hotel in North Falmouth, March 28th – 30th, 2019.  Last year we had an amazing turnout of 213 attendees. We compared this information with the results for AMTA’s 2017 workforce survey and surmised that the average NER music therapist sees an estimated 196 clients per year. From this…

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Hands in Harmony Seeks 2 Full Time Music Therapists & 1 Per Diem Music Therapist

Job Title : 2 Full Time Music Therapists & 1 Per Diem Music Therapist Hours: Full-time and per diem Salary : Commensurate with experience and qualifications. Facility : Hands in Harmony City and State : Kingston, RI Qualifications : We are looking for three board-certified music therapists (MT-BC required) NMT (neurologic music therapy training) preferred. Ability and interest in collaborating across disciplines a must. Population : Varies! We service a wide range of clientele throughout RI. We offer extensive services in schools…

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AMTA’s Stakeholder Committee

Dear NER-AMTA music therapists, AMTA is seeking a new Executive Director as Dr. Andrea Farbman is retiring after 30 years of service. As part of the search process we want to hear from you about your hopes for the organization and the Executive Director transition. Working with Raffa, a  national search firm that specializes in founder or long-tenured non profit executive transitions, the AMTA Board has developed a search process outlined on the website. A…

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West Bay Collaborative

West Bay Collaborative is looking for a per diem or part time Music Therapist located in or around the state of Rhode Island. Currently, there are approximately 4 clinical hours available with the option to increase up to 8-10 if interested. This is also a growing caseload so there is potential to grow hours to full time. This is also a flexible caseload and many clients can be moved and adjusted as needed. Qualifications: –…

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Early Bird Extension

We invite you to take advantage of our Early Bird Registration rate for another week. We will move the deadline to Monday, March 13th. If you are planning on taking one of the wonderful CMTEs that we are offering, we suggest that you register for that as soon as you’re able, then we can be sure there is a suitable number of participants for each CMTE.     Registration is easy enough, but if you…

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Call for papers extension

We are extending our call for papers for 1 week only! Share your expertise with your colleagues at this year’s NERAMTA conference. Please use the following link We look forward to seeing you in Newport March 30-April 1, 2017. Sincerely, Meg Capen, MT-BC NER Vice President Conference Chair Courtney Biddle, MMT, MT-BC NER Vice President-Elect Conference Co-Chair

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2017 craft table announcement

Now that most of the holidays are done, it is time to hunker down at home and fend off the New England weather.   While doing that, consider using your talents to make a craft to sell the NER’s craft table.   The craft table fundraiser will make its debut appearance at this year’s NER Spring Conference in Newport. We are encouraging our members to make a craft to contribute to the craft table which will be…

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Membership Support Initiative and the Pay It Forward Campaign

Dear Colleague, As members of the small but mighty New England Region of the American Music Therapy Association, we know that we are all stronger and better when we are united together! Membership in our regional and national professional organization has given each of us so many incredible benefits that it is too much to list it all here, but we want to share with you some of the reasons why we are members. Here…

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Barefoot books fundraiser 

The New England Region’s newest fundraiser is up and running! It is an online fundraiser with Barefoot Books. Barefoot Books is an independent publishing company that sells gorgeously illustrated multicultural books and games for children and teens. Barefoot Books has a collection of sing-a-long stories that are appealing to music therapists, as are many other titles. Marissa Scott, one of our own New England Region members, will be our Barefoot Books Ambassador.    Click on…

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Improvisation Analysis Research Study Dear fellow music therapist, you are invited to take part in a study that explores an improvisation analysis method. It has been in development for 14 years, and now the researcher would like you to explore its design in this pilot study. Who: Dr. Rebecca Zarate, music therapy coordinator at Lesley University, USA is passionate about use of improvisation in practice. She is committed to developing theory, method, and techniques of…

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