NER Business

National Business Meetings! Join Us!

Hello, NER music therapists,

This is a friendly reminder that the NER regional meeting will take place on Saturday 11/23 from 9:30-11am. We hope to see you there. Please view the previous meeting minutes on NER’s website so that you are up to date when a vote is taken.

To ensure that we can fill NER’s seats on the Assembly of Delegates during this national conference, the Board put three extra Assembly Alternates in place and will call them if needed. They are Kayla Daly, Jean Nemeth, and Brian Jantz.

Last, the AMTA business meeting is scheduled for Friday 11/22 from 10:30am-12pm. Please attend to hear more about what is happening at a national level.

Happy conference!

Adrienne Flight MMT, MT-BC President, NER-AMTA