Final call and extension! Don’t forget to submit your Pay It Forward application, open for submissions through January 11th for discounted AMTA membership.
The goal of this program is to welcome and encourage new professional members of the AMTA, and further reduce financial burden for those in our region. The NER-AMTA Board has committed to using donations and budgeted funds to help you be part of your professional organization.
Scan the QR code pictured on the flyer, or copy and paste this link into your internet browser:
Wondering why you may want to become an AMTA member? Some perks include:
- Access to music therapy journals, AMTA literature and e-courses
- Discounted conference registration fees
- AMTA’s job center
- AMTA Member Toolkit and listing on member registry
- Discounts on continuing education opportunities
- Scholarships and grants
- State recognition initiatives and support through Government Relations
- Belonging in community with fellow music therapists
Join us as we grow, rebuild, and learn together as a member of the New England Region of AMTA. You deserve an organization that represents you