
Stakeholder Committee Representative

Hello NER-AMTA Music Therapist,

Are you interested in being part of the search for the new AMTA Executive Director?

Join the Stakeholder Committee and work together to contribute to a membership survey regarding the desired characteristics of a new Executive Director as well as other tasks outlined by the executive search firm Raffa, Inc.

To ensure membership representation, the Regional Presidents have all been asked to submit one nominee to represent their region, to be part of the Stakeholder Committee.

The key role of the Stakeholder Committee Representative is to ensure communication with the membership of the regions regarding the process of the search for the Executive Director.

If you would like to be considered for the Stakeholder Committee representative position, please include TWO items: 1) a 50 word biography, required from AMTA 2) a statement of interest. Please send to

All submissions are due 4/4/18.



The NER Extended Board Appointment Process

1) Candidates submit their statement of interest to the NER-AMTA President.

2) The President will review the pool of candidates for each position and select the person that is best suited for the position.

3) The President will then present the name of the nominee to the NER-AMTA Executive Board, along with their statement of interest.

4) The NER-AMTA Executive Board will then vote to affirm the President’s choice for the appointment. If affirmed, the nominee selected is confirmed to the committee/position. If the candidate is not affirmed, the President will again review the pool of candidates and/or continue a search for the person best suited for the position and resubmit a name to the NER-AMTA Board for their approval.