NER Leadership

NER Documents

NER ByLaws updated and approved April 2023

Board Support Request Form (Password Protected)

Regional Voting Members


Wendy Krueger, MA, MT-BC


Shannon Laine, MM, MT-BC

Immediate Past President

Brian Jantz, MA, MT-BC, LPMT

Vice President

Mary Reinsch, MT-BC

Vice President-Elect

Emily Hawley, MT-BC


Cecilia Burns, MMT, MT-BC


Cathy Kang, MT-BC

Assembly Delegates

Wendy Krueger, MA, MT-BC
Eve Montague, MSM, MT-BC
Tim Honing, PhD, MT-BC
Meredith Pizzi, MPA, MT-BC

Incoming Delegates

Assembly of Delegates Alternate

(In order of being called)
Stephanie Brink, MS, CCLS, MT-BC
Sarah Pitts, MA, LPMT, MT-BC, CRP

Incoming Delegates Alternate

Non-Voting National Committee Members

Academic Program Approval of AMTA

Heather Wagner, PhD, MT-BC

Association Internship Approval Committee of AMTA

Eve Montague, MSM, MT-BC, National Co-Chair
Brian Jantz, MT-BC

Clinical Practice Networking Committee of AMTA


Continuing Education Committee of AMTA


Diversity and Multiculturalism Committee of AMTA


Ethics Board

Jennifer Sokira, MMT, LCAT, MT-BC

Financial Committee

Mary Reinsch, MT-BC

Government Relations Committee of AMTA

Nicole O’Malley, MMT, MA, MT-BC

International Relations Committee of AMTA


Interprofessional Collaborative Resources Committee of AMTA

Sarah Pitts, MA, LPMT, MT-BC, CPRP

Judicial Review Board Committee of AMTA

Julie Andring, PhD, MT-BC

Membership Committee of AMTA

Ali Iaria, MT-BC, LMHC

Professional Advocacy Committee of AMTA

Maggie Connors,  MT-BC, National Co-Chair
Lyzz Zinn, MA, MT-BC, Regional Representative

Reimbursement Committee of AMTA

Thomas Hayden, MM, MT-BC

Research Committee of AMTA

Tim Honig, MMT, MT-BC

Standards of Clinical Practice Committee of AMTA

Shannon Laine, MM, MT-BC

Student Affairs Advisory Board of AMTA

Cacia King Herlihy

Technology Committee of AMTA


Workforce Development and Retention Committee of AMTA


NER Committees and Regional Positions

Communications Team
Newsletter Editor

Amanda Reopell, MT-BC

Web Administrator

Brandon Benguaich, MMT, MT-BC

Social Media

LeeAnn Guidry

Conference Committee
NER/AMTA Conference Site Chair


Conference Chair

Mary Reinsch, MT-BC


Kate Lamoureux, MT-BC

Membership Support Committee (Pay It Forward)

Ali Iaria, MT-BC, LMHC (chair)
KT Bagley, MT-BC

NER DEI Committee


Elected by NER-AMTAS to NER Executive Board

Student Representatives
Alayah Tedder, NER-AMTAS President
Caera Duffy, NER-AMTAS President-Elect
Amelie Dejeansubirats, Berklee College of Music Vice President
Reagan Clark, Lesley University Vice President
Gager Collier, Southern Connecticut State University Vice President
William Hoban, University of Rhode Island Vice President
Priscilla Oluokun, Westfield State University Vice President
Wendy Feng, Treasurer
Trey Legall, Secretary
Alianna LeClair, Parliamentarian
Sarah Rogers, Chair of Public Relations
Carrie Sullivan, Chair of Advocacy

 Invited to NER Executive Board

Passages Conference Chair


Current MMTA Co-Chairs


Special Presidential Appointments per AMTA

Disaster Response Task Force

Jennifer Sokira, MMT, LCAT, MT-BC

Anti-Harrassment Workgroup

Eve Montague, MSM, MT-BC

Active Listening Workgroup

Christine Routhier, MT-BC, LMHC

Assembly Delegate Workgroup

Carylbeth Thomas

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force