Dear Colleagues,
The preparation for the NER-AMTA 2018 conference has begun, and we hope that you are as excited as we are to be back in Westbrook, CT at the gorgeous Water’s Edge Resort and Spa.
Our conference is titled: Uniting in Diversity: Bringing Together the Individuals of the Music Therapy Community, and we look forward to a time of growth, rejuvenation, learning, and connecting with our friends and colleagues. We hope that you will consider submitting a proposal for a concurrent session, CMTE, or research poster at the regional conference.
We had many fantastic suggestions on session topics from last year’s conference evaluations, and they include: diversity, multicultural topics, neurologic music therapy, research, ethics, varied theoretical orientations, medical settings, school age populations, autism, collaborating with disciplines outside of the music therapy profession, trauma, community building, improvisation, and guitar skills. If you feel like you have expertise in these or any other subjects, please submit your proposal as we hope to have a varied and diverse program!
All proposals will be reviewed using a double-blind review model. Reviewers will base their considerations on content, clarity, and completeness of the abstract (50%), if the proposal fits within the scope of practice and professional competencies of AMTA and CBMT (25%), and how the proposal meets the needs of our region based upon the 2017 conference evaluations (25%).
You may find the links on our website at:
The last day for submissions is SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 2018.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or
We look forward to seeing you April 19-21, 2018 as we focus on creating community and cohesion within ourselves and our profession.
Courtney R. Biddle, MMT, MT-BC
Conference Chair
Vice President NER-AMTA
Channing Shippen, MA, MT-BC
Conference Co-Chair
Vice President-Elect NER-AMTA